Noureddine Miladi asks us to circulate this:
Contributions are welcome regarding the following themes:
1- Communication and development in the Arab region
2- Media and the Construction of public opinion
3- The impact of satellite TV on the perception of democracy
4- Media and social change in the Arab and Muslim world
5- Media coverage of the Arab/Israeli conflict
6- Use of satellite TV and the internet by the Jihadi groups
7- Media and women empowerment
8- Diasporic media and diasporic audiences
9- Global media and its impact on local cultures
10- Arab media and the challenge to global news networks
11- Blogging and the changing face of journalism practice
12- Reality TV and the tabloidisation of Arab media
13- Pan-Arab Satellite TV and the transnational public Sphere
14- Media and subcultures in the Arab world
In addition to academic refereed papers the journal will include:
- Reports from academic conferences and symposia organised both in the
Arab and Muslim countries and in the West which are related to the topics
of concern to the journal.
- Book, film and internet reviews.
- Interview section with broadcasters, scholars as well as policy makers
to comment on certain aspects of the media and society in the region.
The journal welcomes contributions from around the world about the above
mentioned areas of enquiry. Manuscripts to be considered for publication
should be submitted electronically, preferably via e-mail, to Noureddine
Miladi. Each manuscript should be no more than 7000 words in main text and
150 words in abstract. All submissions will be refereed.
Noureddine Miladi (PhD)
Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research
Tel. +44 (0) 7852 269 302;
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