Thursday, January 04, 2007

Saudi Journalist Fights for Women's Rights

This item comes from Memri:

Saudi-born writer and journalist Wajeha Al-Huwaider is one of the Arab world's most prominent campaigners for human rights, particularly women's rights. In August 2003, the Saudi Interior Ministry banned her from writing in the Saudi press; since then, she has published her articles on the reformist Arabic websites, and has gained international recognition. In November 2004, Al-Huwaider was awarded the 2004 PEN/NOVIB Free Expression Award at The Haguefor her work for freedom of expression and advancement of women's rights.

On August 4, 2006, on the occasion of the first anniversary of Saudi King Abdallah bin Abd Al-Aziz's accession to the throne, Al-Huwaider staged a public protest


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