Latest gossip on the Johnston front is that they are now asking the standard "Al-Qa'aidah question" which is for the release of that female bomber held by Jordan. We have had that as a standard first request in Iraqi kidnappings we deal with - it does not make sense for Dagmoush to be saying this - unless he is so irritated about not being given his brother's killers that he has decided to be obstreperous. Anyway the above bit of gossip is from Adel Darwish just back from Amman and is more likely to be intelligence agency detritus like the so-called "fax". Here's something from the Independent:
A letter to the editor in The Independent calls for President Abbas to restore order to Gaza, especially following the kidnapping of BBC correspondent Alan Johnston.
Abbas must restore order in Gaza - Letter from Dr Charles Tannock MEP
Sir: Your report on the worsening security situation in the Gaza Strip ("Minister offers to quit in Gaza row", 24 April) might also have mentioned the abduction of the BBC correspondent Alan Johnston. This week in Strasbourg, MEPs will add their voices to the appeals for his immediate release."
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