Wednesday, February 18, 2015

ISIS - a Statement

The Holy Koran states that in the last days the ‘mufsidin fi al-ard,’ (those who corrupt the earth), will appear.
Some of the learned ‘Ulama equate ISIS with the ‘mufsidin fi al-ard’ -- “those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption” as recorded in Chapter 5, verse 33 of the Holy Quran.
We are appalled at the savage atrocity committed in the act of execution of the Jordanian pilot Ra’id Moath al-Kassasbeh and, indeed, by the brutal beheadings of so many innocent aid workers and journalists, as well as by the martyrdom of the Coptic Christians (young men from the same village who died with the name of the Messiah on their lips as any who have watched the horrific video will be aware).
Some claim the kind of violence being exercised by ISIS is part of the past, of the ‘jahiliyah,’ the pre-Islamic era.
Some Muslim scholars go further and argue that, members of ISIS and their supporters are behaving in a way that is thoroughly un-Islamic. Some of these scholars suggest that they resemble the “false Muslims” referred to in Surah al-Munafiqun, the 33rd chapter of the Holy Koran and should be treated as such. Their approach of dividing the world into ‘Dar al-Islam’ (the House of Islam) and ‘Dar al-Harb’ (the House of War) is not valid. The same can be said about the fanatics and terrorists, who recently killed people in France and Denmark. They have to be unequivocally condemned, even if we believe that the freedom of expression is not the freedom to insult (see the message on this link published by the ICF on May 2, 2006). They are not Islam. They are a disgrace to Islam.
To quote Aristotle, “Anyone can be angry, but to be angry at the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose and in the right way is to be commended.”
Having said which, we caution against the use of indiscriminate force to destroy ISIS. There has been too much civilian collateral damage in the liberation of Kobani and in the bombing of Durna, and we must move with careful deliberation in acting against ISIS lest we increase sympathy for this renegade terrorist group.
Bernard Margueritte, ICF President; and William Morris, ICF Chairman, 
The International Communications Forum

1 comment:

Majdolin said...

I hope there will be a discussion about whether ISIS represent Islam or not; because I would love to attend such a discussion,, I see no point from Muslims condemning ISIS and prying to Allah at the mousq to kill the infidel and fight those who fight against Allah and his messenger,
Condemning ISIS but preaching hate speech, I see no difference between ISIS and Muslims in denial about their religioun, at least ISIS are clear and obvious and saying the truth about their religion rather than being as snake changing their skin when it suits them.

Muslims have to accept the fact that ISIS acting according to qouranic doctrine and this qouranic verses are true however it is wrong and should not be implemented, I believe in reformation only if those Muslims agreed to the fact that there is something wrong and needs to be changed rather than saying it is a (Misrepresentation, mistranslation or misunderstanding) the world had enough if the slaughter, the bloodshed, rape, slavery all done by name of Allah and it is all true it is from Quran ,,, it needs to be changed it needs to be changed,,, and the only way is to accept the fact it is wrong,, you can not change something if people are in denial of it's existence,